Brand Ambassador Program

Become a BeautyClick brand ambassador. Earn commissions for each sale you close.

Learn and earn

Sell our products to your network and make some extra cash. Your dedication and time are all that we ask of you. BeautyClick will handle the rest: you will receive training about our products, brand, and sales strategies so that you can advance your abilities and close more sales. Hair, fashion and beauty knowledge will become second nature to you.

Be the trendsetter among your friends

Look great in our varied range of hair and styles to inspire your friends to try new and high-quality hair – inspire your friends to look even better!

Be part of an exclusive BeautyClick community

As a BeautyClick Brand Ambassador you will get deep discounts and one of selected few to get a preview on our selection. You can also meet with one of our top stylists to add your own personal touch. At certain events, you get to represent BeautyClick, which provides a great sales opportunity!

Join the revolution

You get to be part of a hair revolution as BeautyClick is the first high-end human hair brand being sold through e-commerce.

Be your own boss and join us today!